
Friday, May 11, 2012

This Week in Science #12

This week in Science we did a lot of working. On Monday, we watched a video of how spiders trap their food before they eat it. On Tuesday, David showed us how to make a log book. The book is called "Spider Observation". The book log is something that we write in every day about a new word that can connect to our spider,and we draw a picture on how to explain that word.Spider Observation will also help us understand our new words we been stuyding because we get to write about the words on our OWN words. We will be working on the book for the rest f the week. On Wednesday, we fed our spiders fruit-flies, so it can have something to eat. On Thursday we don't have science. On Friday we didn't do anything because it was Jamies last day:( BOOOOOOO !!!! So instead, david ordered some papa Johns, and we just kicked back and enjoyed our moments with Jamie.

What I learned was how a spider can have energy in many ways. For example: Gluecose is a certain plant that has oxygen in it, so it allows the spider to have oxygen. I also learned making your book can be a lot of hard work,because you need to have the right picture to match  your word. We really didn'y do much this week, but I know we will continue to keep learning because its only the beginging that we started studying about pur spiders.

This Week In Science #13

I choose question B(If we were to add five more spiders to your spider habitat tank, what would happen? And why? Use these terms in your explanation: glucose, photosynthesis, energy, carbon dioxide, oxygen.)

What would happen is the spiders will die. I personally think the spiders will die because only one spider is living off of oxygen by itself, and if we put more spiders not all of them can live off one plant of oxygen. In this picture it shows how the Sun of Energy gives the spider energy to survive. It also shows how the gluecose gives oxygen because it is a plant.