
Friday, February 10, 2012

This Week In Science #9

This Week In Science we did an experiment on cutting animals open. We also cut them open to see what's inside them. My partner and I, Tiffany worked on a perch. The first day, we just observed the perches mouth, and to see what was in the mouth. That was on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday we dissected the perch! It was sooooo nasty, because the perches skin was SOOOO dry, so it took even longer to cut it open, because it was dry.
This is the Perch I dissected.My partner Tiffany and I cut it open from the side, were you see its Gills

What I learned this week in science was that, if a fish has 3 holes on its body, it is a female. If it has one hole, it is a boy. This perch happens to be a boy. I also learned that fish make kids weirdly. The guy spits his semen out, and the girl perch spits her eggs out. After this, the semen hits the eggs, and then the babies form. Weird right? At first I found it nasty. I honestly wouldn't want to do this project again because the dead animals stink. Especially the perch!

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